Raiders 2-0 today. 12-6 NFL and Bowls combined

Pitt was making me nervous early on.
Came through big though.

Even managed to get the over, basically by themselves.

Good call Raiders!
I thought about playing the second half over at 21.5 but didn't pull the trigger.
A guy can post his picks down here, his record down here, whatever and...

Get complimented, flamed, whatever.

No goddammed rules about it.

I think this is a much safer section of the forum for you to hangout in Raiders. MUCH harder to get in trouble down here.

I know it would be for me hehe.
I think you dead on here.
Raiders, imo, has a chance to be a great contribution to the Rx.

If he can continue on the path he is on, he will be great here. lol

Never flames in Handicapping anymore, keeps all that down here.

Obviously has a great sense of humor, as he could have really taken offense to some stuff i put down here regarding him. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

And the guy can cap to boot!


Keep up the good work bud, even the District Attorney of the RubberRoom, "Sir Hamneggs", has been known to show leniency with certain "promising" posters.
How did you survive that fall little buddy?

Did you press charges against that old fat guy that butt-raped you?
Did he really even butt-rape you billy?

I saw the movie, sort of looked like you were a salad tossing fagrag long before the fat farmer dude blew a load of dick-spit up your colon billy.

Come clean with us billy boy, that fat farmer dude was like sloppy 7ths wasn't he?

Jump again little billy, but, this time, tie a rope to your neck. I think all that air that has gathered in your colon is keeping you afloat.

Records up to 13-6. Look out Don Marco, Kodiak and Dogball /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

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